Do you love healthy spreads? Avail yourself of the gifts of spring and prepare a delicious and healthy wild garlic spread. You can put it on fresh bread, rolls or a baguette. Bon appetit!

Wild Garlic Spread

Wild Garlic Spread


  • Fresh wild garlic
  • Cheese spread
  • Butter
  • Sour cream
  • Garlic clove
  • Ground four spices


  • Mix cheese spread, butter and sour cream at a ratio of 4 to 1 to 1.
  • Wash 10 to 15 leaves of wild garlic and cut them into larger pieces.
  • Mince garlic clove.
  • Add ground spices to taste.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and toss with chopped wild garlic leaves.
  • Put spread on fresh or toasted bread, roll or baguette.

Bon appetit!

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