Wild Garlic

Healthy & Delicious Herb

Wild Garlic Tincture

Wild garlic is an amazing herb that has many beneficial effects for our health. Would you like to know how to preserve its strength for as long as possible? Soak it in alcohol and make tincture (extract) out of it. Take a look at our photo recipe.

Wild garlic tincture

Wild garlic tincture


  • Bottle of vodka or other strong alcohol (brandy, calvados, according to preference; ideally 38 % – 40 % alcohol content)
  • Freshly picked wild garlic leaves

Wild Garlic Tincture Ingredients


  1. Wash garlic leaves thoroughly under a stream of cold water. Use strainer for ease, shake off excess water and let dry for a while.Cleaning wild garlic leaves
  2. Make space on your table for cutting wild garlic and prepare all necessary implements.Wild garlic preparation
  3. Chop wild garlic as finely as possible and gradually fill your prepared bottle.Chopping the leaves of wild garlic
  4. Once in a while, press the wild garlic into the bottle with the rear end of a wooden spoon.Pressing the leaves in the bottle
  5. The wild garlic is ready to be soaked in alcohol – in our case, vodka.Preparing the alcohol
  6. Slowly fill the bottle to its brim with alcohol. Wait for a while and refill alcohol to brim. Seal the bottle and shake it thoroughly, so that all of the air collects at the top of the bottle.Filling the bottle with vodka
  7. If you also prepare tincture from other healing plants, we recommend that you label your bottle with a description and date.

    Wild garlic tincture

    Wild garlic tincture

  8. Place the bottle next to a source of heat (stove, heating …) or in the sun and wait for 14 days. Heat will allow the herb to soak well and release beneficial substances. Then simply pour the extract into a smaller container and drink 10 – 15 drops diluted with water every day. The tincture should last for 1 to 3 years, but we recommend that you prepare a new bottle every year.

We wish you lots of health!

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  1. Kathy George

    05/06/2020 at 4:26 AM

    Does some wild garlic grow slender about a foot or so tall? Thanks kathy

  2. can i use the leaves again in any recipe after I have decanted the tincture after 14 days?

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